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Farm Harbor - Session 2 - Not AGAIN??!! Living, Learning, Laughing & Loathing Losses

Not AGAIN??!! - Living, Learning, Laughing & Loathing Losses with Debra Joy Hart will give you the opportunity to widen and normalize your grief perspective, increase your emotional flexibility and remind you of your own power and strength.
Debra Joy, RN, has worked in health care for over 40 years. All of her work involves loss of some sort and grief/bereavement support. Deb is a grief coach, author, TedX, ArtFarm artist and is also the weekly co-host on "Humor, Grace & Grief" on Facebook live and podcast platforms.
This meet will begin with the main presentation followed by a Q&A session. Other topics can be covered within each meeting!
A minimum 5$ donation is required to attend, but any amount raised above what is required to cover the cost of the space will be pooled into a fund and donated to a women's NFP operating in our community.

***WATCH FOR MORE DETAILS & join our Private Group for more open discussion.!

October 13

"Not Your Grandma's" Cross Stitch w/ Traci Bula

October 20

'Mommy (or Daddy) & Me Cyanotype Printing" with Rachel Wooters Taylor